Animated Films
These films were made as part of my Bachelor's and Master's degrees where I experimented in different techniques and styles such as frame by frame animation, stop motion, textures, collage and roterscoping.
Memory was my final Master's degree film where I explored how physical objects can help trigger memories based on phycological research. I wanted to further my experimentation from my Bachelor's degree with textures ad collage by using different camera perspectives to create an anonymous feelings to put the audience in the shoes of the character. Upon reflection, I would change the amount i textures I used in the film as in some parts it becomes too busy, but overall I was proud of this achievement.
Needle and Thread was my final Bachelor's degree film after finding a style a enjoyed working in. This film was centred around the process and enjoyment of sewing your own clothes based on my own experience learning how to construct garments. I enjoyed making the elements of the film, such as the pin cushion table, and I feel like the textures worked well together; however, some of camera work could have been smoother.
This film was an experimentation in combining stop motion animation with traditional frame by frame animation using a home made armature, set pieces and my own DSLR camera. This was my first venture into stop motion animation and overall I was happy with the overall movement considering my inexperience in this animation type. I feel like the frame by frame animation could have been better achieved using a different brush in Photoshop and a different character model to better convey the message of the film.